Lying in the workplace.

Approaches to Lying
I have always been an advocate for a little 'white lie' a small lie that will cause no harm, but may help someone or avoid a bad outcome.
The reader explains someone who would do this as a consequentialist.
Someone who sees lying as always wrong is a deontologist.
For example telling someone they look nice rather than hurting their feelings. I personally try to be honest in these situations, as I would want someone to be honest with me. However if someone cooked me something that I didn't like, I probably would lie, to avoid hurting their feelings. i ould class this as a 'white lie'
This made me think if I ever use this in my practice.
I thought with Christmas coming up a lie many parents tell their children is about the existence of Father Christmas. And I feel that this is absolutely an acceptable lie to tell children.
As Christmas approaches I am sure i will say to some children 'Santa watches dance classes remember, he knows if you're being good' and this is of course a lie, but what I consider to be a white lie. However ethical considerations made me think 'is this blackmailing the children to behave well?' which isn't really my place as a teacher and not a parent.
You also have to take into account religions and cultures, as not everyone celebrates christmas.
I will definitely be more careful about what I say to my children during lessons, and think about the consequences of telling a white lie to protect a child's feelings or being honest even thought this might cause them to be upset.
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