Group Skype - Perfection is not a Maths equation.

This was my first group discussion, as I had not managed to make any of these during module one.

The chat was between myself, Adesola, Eleanor (module2), Matt (module1) and Selene (module1).

After having a general chat about what we had been working on so far, we spoke about the module 2 task of 'wondering'.
The theme of the chat stemmed from this and Adesola asked us about our view on perfection and how does this reside in our practice.

For me personally as a performer you can work and practice a movement or sequence and keep going until you have reached what you consider perfect. However, as a teacher I could have a class of 5 pupils, give them all the same steps, teach them all in the same way, give them all the same details, corrections, but because of ability every single pupil will give me something different.

One thing to remember in this industry, as Adesola said in the chat is that we are not all on the same level playing field. One person could be naturally more flexible, double jointed, hyperextended, taller, shorter, naturally more turned out, high instep.... The list could go on. So perfection is subjective, as everyones perception of this is different. It is not like a maths equation where you add 4  and 6 together and make 10 and that will always be the answer and nothing else will makes sense.

We spoke about how striving for perfection could get in the way and this has been a great help for me. With each task I feel like there is always a perfect answer or outcome, however this will differ from person to person.

When Eleanor spoke about self tapes I could relate this back to showreels and we discussed how these can sometimes hinder us, as we strive for the perfect take, which may not be a true reflection of ourselves.

It was an insightful and interesting chat and i look forward to taking part in more of these throughout module 2.
