Looking for Literature

First stop. My local library. 
It has been years since I last visited a library, (apart from the ship library when I worked on cruise ships) but I wanted to expand on the varieties of sources I use. I knew I wasn't going to be able to get books specific enough to relate exactly to my possible lines of enquiry, but as Adesola said in a group chat we may have to piece information together. 
I accumulated books on dancing, books on teaching and children book on exercise. 
I was quite disappointed on the lack of books on dancing.

Second stop - google
This is my main source of information when researching. I found tons of articles, but this time some were more specific to my area of interest.

Third stop - Uni Library - Summon
Much like most of uni hub I found this difficult to use and to navigate, but I did find some useful pieces of writing on there.

Now I have many different pieces of literature i now have the challenge of going through these and finding suitable pieces to use for my evaluation.
