4A Continued...

I have found it a real struggle getting my teeth stuck into this new module and handbook.
I keep thinking back to how I felt at the start of module 1 and how eventually things did fall into place and everything started making sense - I am hoping the same will happen for this module.

More so than module 1, I find this reader even more difficult to get my head around, firstly due to the content and secondly because I feel the language is even more academic than module 1, so many things take a few reads before i actually understand what I am reading.

I feel I have not fully understood task A, so wanted to expand on this further before moving on. In order to do this I have looked at many blogs of previous BAPP students to see how they approached module 4.

As I started to think more about these points of wonder more and more questions pop into my head.

  • How do my pupils see me?
  • Am I creating a positive and encouraging environment for my pupils?
  • Do they enjoy coming to class?
  • Am I providing a good role model for them?
  • Am I doing the right thing by going into teaching?
  • Should I still be performing?
  • If I was to go back into performing what would I do?

  • How am I going to use my Degree once I have it?

I feel that once I answer one question it opens up a whole new can of worms and then I eventually move on to a whole different topic of questions. I very often go from thinking about teaching and then my mind wanders to performing.

Some of the points brought up in our first Skype call about moving forward with module two I feel I also still need to work on moving forwards.

  • Time management - this has improved but could still be better.
  • Blogging more - at the moment I am sticking to one blog a week, so as long as I stick to this i'll be happy.
  • Interacting with other peoples blog - I definitely need to do this more! I think not understanding module 2 so far has held me back, but as I start to become more familiar with this I need to interact with others more.

I would be really interested to hear how others are finding module two and how it feel in comparison with module one for them too?
