Such a tiny button for so much work!

And there it goes! 18 (nearly) months of work over with just one click! (of course there is the presentations, but I am actually looking forward to meeting everyone and hearing everyones experiences, so it doesn't feel like it counts as work) I actually submitted mine last night and I know most others have already submitted theirs too, but with just 15 minutes left until deadline day there is no going back now! I am having a lot of fear right now. Is it enough? Have I missed anything? Could I have done more? Should I have proof read one more time? Is it the right format? Did I label everything correctly? I felt like I got to a point where I was making unnecessary changes, so I thought that was a good place to stop and submit. Thanks to all my other module threes! I feel like we've really been there for each other over the past couple of weeks and in just two and a half weeks time all the stress, worry and hard work will be over and hopefully we'll all com...